Gigih berinovasi, untuk jadi yang terdepan.

Melangkah bersama Astra mempercepat Transformasi Digital Indonesia

Bidang Keterampilan Kami

Kami menyediakan layanan terbaik melalui pengalaman bisnis bertahun-tahun.

Astra Digital Assets
Astra Digital Assets
Astra Digital Assets
Astra Digital Assets
Astra Digital Assets
Astra Digital Assets
Astra Digital Assets
Astra Digital Assets
Astra Digital Assets
Astra Digital Assets
Astra Digital Assets
Astra Digital Assets
Astra Digital Assets

Kami memberikan support penuh untuk berbagai sektor industri demi kesuksesan di era digital


Simak kisah sukses mereka untuk mengetahui bagaimana Astra Digital berperan penting dalam transformasi bisnis mereka.

Baca kisah mereka untuk mengetahui bagaimana Astra Digital sukses membantu bisnis makin berkembang.

Astra Digital Assets


"IKEA started controlled experimentation with Astra to understand customers traffic in offline store. Astra Data Intelligence team helps by discussing customer journey until testing insight on real business. The insight helps IKEA Team in store merchandising to implement right cross selling, add on recommendation on online transaction, increasing product viewing and 'add to cart'. So far, we're seeing about 0.5 percent increase revenue in IKEA on the first year where business still learning to use the insight and apply to day-to-day business.

Astra have very enthusiastic talent, open to changes and try new things, not afraid to fail, and very engaging and supportive organizations. We hope and plan to expand our collaboration into other Dairy Farm's companies." - Crystal Chan, IT Director for IKEA & Group Digital Dairy Farm Group on Paceters

Astra Digital Assets

PT Astra International Tbk - Toyota Sales Operation

"Natacara by Astra Digital were extremely helpful with their customer registration system and YouTube content creations.. Hopefully, this collaboration can continue." - Rio Tjahjoadi, Dept. Head of Sales Planning & Logistic

Astra Digital Assets

PT Toyota Astra Financial Services

"TAF collaborates with Natacara from Astra Digital, providing uswith full support, form consultation and event operations to their lucky draw feature. Thank you Natacara." - Abidin Riyadi, Division Head of IT & GA

Astra Digital Assets


"Really satisfied with how Astra Digital work on SEVA. Everything is managed beautifully with clear result." - Suparno Djasmin, Founder

Astra Digital Assets

PT Astra International Tbk - Daihatsu Sales Operation

"So far, Daihatsu Customer Virtual Festivals have been supported by Natacara (Astra Digital). I greatly appreciate the totality of their services." - Tri Mulyono, Dept. Head of Marketing Planning & Sales Operation


Kabar Terbaru dari Astra Digital

Jadi bagian dari

Fondasi kami, idemu, bersama-sama kita maju dan berkembang untuk menciptakan masa depan bersama.


Ada pertanyaan?
Kami terbuka untuk berdiskusi dan melihat bagaimana kami bisa membantu Anda mewujudkan ide-ide yang ada.